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Pharmaceutical Market Research

Closely tied to the healthcare industry, the pharmaceutical industry is also facing challenges, including pressure on drug pricing, regulation, changing healthcare models, and the growth of global drug manufacturing and sales. By 2024 the global pharmaceutical market is anticipated to grow to over US $1.3 trillion, with a CAGR of nearly 7%, and $500 billion in the U.S. alone.

Navigating growth in such a turbulent environment requires well-executed, timely, and high-quality insights delivered through pharmaceutical industry market research. Research America regularly provides these insights to companies throughout the pharma industry, building a solid reputation for helping pharmaceutical companies succeed and grow.

We combine measurable psychology and anthropology-based research with our knowledgeable staff to provide actionable and targeted results.

Our areas of expertise include:

Research America has extensive experience in pharmaceutical market research, including:

Payer perspective - concentrated buyer landscape

Acute Care Products - Determining likely P&T Stakeholder review and adoption strategies, level of socialist and patient type utilization/restriction among:

Retail/LTC Products - Determining likely Commercial and Medicare review, adoption and reimbursement stance including mechanisms for control among:

Specialty Pharmacy Products -Determining likely Commercial and Medicare review, adoption, patient qualification and experience among:

Payer Perspective- Focus

Business and clinical decisions among ‘concentrated buyers’. These would include numerous segments, with a specialty in health plans and PBMs. Other projects are divided among hospitals and their GPOs, Long Term Care and their GPOs, and Specialty Pharmacies.

Our qualitative and quantitative research with payers tackle the critical issues from their perspective. These insights can inform product strategy, positioning, and effective value messaging.

Payer Research projects:

Insights to Guide Reimbursement Strategy:

Develop and implement the right strategies and tactics to gain market access. Payer and pricing research to help develop effective strategies, such as:

Message Testing

Understand which clinical and economic value messages will resonate with different types of decision makers. Help you refine messages and identify potential evidence gaps.

Payer Value Proposition

Identify key product elements and tie them together to tell the most compelling story to payers

Our Pharma Clients:

presence health market research

Additional services provided by our Segmedica® division include:

Anthropology-Based Research

All forms of anthropological research, including in-home, in-office, or in-hospital are conducted by our health experts. Our staff includes experienced sociologists and anthropologists as well as both clinical and academic psychology advisors. Some examples of Anthropological work include:

RxConnex™ – a Powerful New Pharmacy Data Tool

A source for obtaining complete pharmacy records for study respondents. We have exclusive access to pharmacy records covering 85% of the US population. The service requires patient agreement and is HIPAA compliant. You will not receive any PHI as part of the process.

Why consider this service:

Valuable in:


When you need to walk in your customers’ shoes, see the world through their eyes, experience their life as if it was your own, and to viscerally understand their unmet needs, you need a research firm that can explain how their minds are working and then how you can effectively influence their behaviors. Research America has a wide range of research methodologies and has specialized experts on staff with a very diverse toolbox.

Key Advantages:


PersonaSmart™ Provides actionable results using a unique global profiling tool.

PersonaSmart™ is an innovative way of linking personality to decision-making and behavior in healthcare, healthy eating at home and out in the world, nutrition, personal care and beauty, pet care – in fact, in any activity to do with health and wellness.

We have developed personality-based models which are strongly predictive to decision-making processes and behaviors in the following categories:

Simple and effective, PersonaSmart™ provides actionable results using a unique global profiling tool. Contact us to learn more!


TripleSmart™ is a whole new way of looking at market segmentation embracing three distinct methodologies in one study.

The advantages for you are:

For more information about our pharmaceutical market research and how we can help you, please Contact Us

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